We appreciate everyone who helped make this scout camp a success both visible and behind the scenes. Thank you to Eric who spent the entire week at camp at one of the most inopportune times in his life. Thank you to Dan who was such a big help and committed so much valuable time. Thank you to Sam who looked great every day he was there. Thank you to Mark and Mike that played taxi and helped set up while we rushed the boys to swim check Monday morning.
The food was far better than the camps we have been to in recent years. We were even set up with flushing toilets and showers near by to wash off the dust and sweat from the 102 degree temperatures. Bottom line, we had a great time and can't wait to do it again.
Welcome to Slippery Falls Scout Camp
Rock formation
Sam's fiery Monday sermon
Dan at the waterfront
Kimball in a really windy Sail Boating class
The docks and the blob